Post by admin on May 26, 2011 20:00:19 GMT -5
N A M E: Brianna Kiera Finnigan.
Bree-AHH-nah; It is of Irish, Gaelic and Celtic origin, and the meaning of Brianna is "high, noble, exalted". May also possibly mean "strong".
KEER-ah; is a variant of Kira (Greek), and the meaning of Kiera is "lady".
FINN-ih-gin; It is of Irish origin, and is an Anglicization of the Gaelic "O' Fionnagain", meaning the descendant(s) of Fionnagan, an Old Irish personal name derived from the word "fionn", white, fairheaded.
A L I A S ( E S ): Bree (Bri)
A G E: Sixteen
B I R T H D A T E: March 29th
B I R T H P L A C E: Castlebar, Ireland
L O C A T I O N: Dublin, Ireland
H E R I T A G E: English || Irish.
B L O O D S T A T U S: Half-blood
M O T H E R: Lavender Brown
F A T H E R: Seamus Finnigan
S I B L I N G ( S ): Keegan Finnigan
C O U S I N ( S ): Grace Finnigan
A U N T: Daphne Finnigan
B E S T F R I E N D ( S ): Molly Weasley
P E R S O N A L I T Y T R A I T ( S ): Emotional || Clever || Responsible || A tad bit nosy.
S T R E N G T H ( S): Brianna has an uncanny knack for getting the facts on basically anything.
H A I R C O L O R: Dark Brown - Black.
E Y E C O L O R: Blue.
C O M P L E X I O N: Pale.
S C H O O L I N G: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
H O U S E: Ravenclaw.
B E S T C L A S S ( E S ): Astronomy || Transfiguration
W O R S T C L A S S ( E S): Care of Magical Creatures.
W A N D: Reed || Banshee Hair || 9ΒΌ".
Wood Properties; Reed is always delicate, and a difficult wand to work with. However, its wisdom and intelligence make it sought-after by some. It is almost solely a Ravenclaw wandwood.
Core Properties; An unreliable core to all except those vengeful of nature and with wicked intentions. Partial to females, this core works well for witches but will cause spells to backfire on the user if born by a wizard.
P A T R O N U S: An Irish Elk.
B O G G A R T: To be Decided
S C E N T: Jasmine.
Brianna Finnigan is many things; smart, talented, confidant, and a bit of a chatter mouth. However, despite this she holds no arrogance and is genuinely a likable person unless she gives or receives the wrong information (gossip).
She adores her brother and tries her best to look after his well being. As for Grace, she has a bit of a hard time connecting with her, but she tries her best anyway.
001: She likes to tell and hear stories that may or may not be true, as her mother before her once did.
002: She is extremely close to her mother.
003: Her accent is a mixture of a English and Irish.
004: She can be very outspoken and isn't afraid to vocalize her feelings and opinions at hand.
005: She can be quite the overachiever; did you expect anything less?
006: She can be very patient with others.
007: She does not fancy violence or vulgarity.